Exam Practice HYHGP
What is meant by commercial radio? [2] Commercial radio contains adverts to try and make profit from streaming radio stations What is DAB? [1] Digital Audio Broadcasting where stations can share a range of channels via a network frequency Name the app where Have you Heard George’s podcast is available. (1) BBC Sounds Briefly explain what you understand by a public service broadcaster. [2] A public service broadcaster is a type of broadcast designed to help public use by informing and educating them about a certain topic Briefly explain a main difference between analogue radio ad digital radio. [2] Analogue radio is like live radio where that is the only radio station or only style of the radio station that people have access to and be able to listen to, compared to digital radio which has access to a much wider range of radio stations and networks so people have more choice and more access to different radio stations. Explain how radio programmes are shaped by the organisat...