Exam Practice HYHGP

 What is meant by commercial radio? [2]

Commercial radio contains adverts to try and make profit from streaming radio stations

What is DAB? [1]

Digital Audio Broadcasting where stations can share a range of channels via a network frequency

Name the app where Have you Heard George’s podcast is available. (1) 

BBC Sounds

Briefly explain what you understand by a public service broadcaster. [2]

A public service broadcaster is a type of broadcast designed to help public use by informing and educating them about a certain topic

Briefly explain a main difference between analogue radio ad digital radio. [2]

Analogue radio is like live radio where that is the only radio station or only style of the radio station that people have access to and be able to listen to, compared to digital radio which has access to a much wider range of radio stations and networks so people have more choice and more access to different radio stations.

Explain how radio programmes are shaped by the organisations that produce them. Refer to Have you heard George’s Podcast to support your points. [12]

The organisations will try and present their own ideas or issues they feel need to be sorted, for example on Georges podcast, it is shown on BBC Sounds so they will only have it on their services if the content on it is suitable to what they think, and meet their ambitions such as inform and educate the audiences on political or social issues in areas such as London where the BBC will focus on

Explain the effects of digital technologies on the distribution of radio programmes. Refer to Have you heard George’s Podcast to support your points. [10]

Digital technologies have affected the distribution of radio based on how episodes and radio stations get shared around and where they are available for people to view and access. This has changed from terrestrial radio stations where people need an actual radio or can listen to radio in the car to now setups online, websites and streaming services such as Spotify. This means radio programmes can get more accessibility instead of missing a radio show, they can go and find it online such as on BBC Sounds and listen to it, or be able to choose exactly what they want to listen to instead of having things chosen for them on a mainstream radio station.

Explain why a commercial radio station would be unlikely to produce a media product such as Have you heard George’s Podcast. [12]

A commercial radio station will be less likely to show a podcast or product such as Have You Heard Georges Podcast due to the length of time that an episode would take up and how commercial radio is responsible for interacting with audiences and trying to keep listening viewers, where people may get a bit bored with a longer episode and stop listening, and isn't like a normal podcast site where if people want to listen to it then they can play it, with a commercial radio station if they turn it on, then they have no real chance to change it to something else so people are stuck with listening to it which can make it boring.

Explain how social and cultural contexts influence radio production. Refer to Have you Heard George’s podcast? to support your points. (8)  

Social and cultural contexts influence radio production due to the topics and ideology of the episodes or content of the radio based on the host or DJ may have their own views on cultural, social or political views which they may either intentionally or not influence listeners to hear their point of views, and on HYHGP this is the case as the episodes follow the themes and educate and inform people of cultural and social incidents and talking points in the area of London, as one episode is about the Grenfell Tower which was a tower that burned in London and was a key social event that affected the lives of many people.

How do media organisations meet the needs of specialised audiences? Refer to Have you Heard George’s podcast? to support your points. (12) 

Media organisations meet the needs of specialised audiences due to tailoring episodes to make them more accessible for people to listen to and be able to inform and educate people which they will aim to do and make or provide content for people to fulfil those purposes. They also include certain things that will appeal to that separate audience such as genre of music of use of language and HYHGP will follow that too by using London style music and London slang to be able to target the younger demographic audience and people who live in the London area.

Explain how the radio industry targets audiences. Refer to Have you Heard George’s podcast? to support your points. (10) 

Radio industry can target specific audiences through the content they produce as some people will prefer a different style of music or a different type of conversation topic, for example some of the HYHGP will aim for younger people due to social issues for them and ways to change their ideologies. A radio station may have a certain demographic of target audiences such as younger people or older people depending on what content they produce as different genres of music or content will be aimed at different groups of people.

Explain the impact of media technologies on audience consumption of radio. Refer to Have you Heard George’s podcast? to support your points. (10) 

Media technologies impact how audiences consume radio based on an uprise in streaming services and podcast services such as Spotify where audiences are able to choose specific things to listen to instead of having a DJ choose for them in a radio station. Radios themselves have grown to be more accessible through being able to listen on both radio and technology sites such as BBC Sounds. HYHGP is available on BBC Sounds so must be accepted by the BBC to be presented on their site, and will increase the amount of listeners compared to if it was broadcasted on radio due to the length of the episode.

Explain how social and cultural circumstances affect audience interpretations of radio content. Refer to Have you Heard George’s podcast? to support your points. (10) 

Social and cultural circumstances affect audiences interpretation of radio due to when content on the radio can be focused on certain events which can be political or social which different backgrounds of people will have different views or beliefs depending on experiences. An example of HYHGP is when a episode will be based off or speak about when about the black rights in London or discrimination of class and ethnicity in the capital, where only people in that area or in that social background may listen to as it is relatable to them and interest them.

Explain how national and global audiences can be reached through different media technologies and platforms. Refer to Have you Heard George’s podcast? to support your points. (8) 

National and global audiences can be reached through different media technologies and platforms that can reach different areas. BBC Sounds will be for UK listeners and be accessible for people to listen to radio stations from a national stage and then international media technologies being spotify where music from all around the world can be shared and have a global reach for people to access and listen to multiple different types of genres and content, and for HYHGP being on both BBC Sounds and Spotify means it has a larger outreach of potential audiences.

Explain how different audiences can be grouped and categorised by media industries. Refer to Have you Heard George’s podcast? to support your points. (10) 

Different audiences can be grouped into things such as age, sex, ethnicity, cultural backgrounds, location to help them target different groups of people. This is useful for some radio stations who will play current music for younger people yet also show classical music for older people who still want to listen to music. These different types of people are grouped to be able to aim different types of products or episodes to different types of people, and HYHGP can target a large dynamic of people of young people by the use of London slang and some of the content, yet also ethnic minorities due to the storyline of some of the episodes so can aim for a large amount of different people and these will be grouped to try and know the audience or be able to target more.


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