Working class newspaper Daily Mirror article
Couple have to feed their 5 kids ready meals due to 'nightmare' crisis - Mirror Online The represented group is the working class Target audience are also working class people but who are not in poverty The perspective is they have not spent money well and have a large family with 4 children - getting rid of weights/protein powder (get rid of hobbies) - woman has a cigarette in her hand - man has branded products - looks like a clean and good-conditioned car IPSO are the regulatory organisation for the uk The daily mirror is owned by reach plc, a horizontally integrated distributor of hundreds of UK newspapers However, despite being factually incorrect to a level that legally means that the newspaper has to apologise for it, the story is still being hosted, for financial reasons Why daily mirror encourages hatred of working class people Financial game - more readers Widens the readership to other classes pits 2 parts of the working class againgst eachother - pins blame on som...