
Showing posts from December, 2022

Working class newspaper Daily Mirror article

  Couple have to feed their 5 kids ready meals due to 'nightmare' crisis - Mirror Online The represented group is the working class Target audience are also working class people but who are not in poverty The perspective is they have not spent money well and have a large family with 4 children - getting rid of weights/protein powder (get rid of hobbies) - woman has a cigarette in her hand - man has branded products - looks like a clean and good-conditioned car IPSO are the regulatory organisation for the uk The daily mirror is owned by reach plc, a horizontally integrated distributor of hundreds of UK newspapers However, despite being factually incorrect to a level that legally means that the newspaper has to apologise for it, the story is still being hosted, for financial reasons Why daily mirror encourages hatred of working class people Financial game - more readers Widens the readership to other classes pits 2 parts of the working class againgst eachother - pins blame on som...

13/12/2022 lesson

13/12/2005 Task 1  IPSO Code of conduct Grief - Made with sympathy and discretion, and publication handled sensitively Invasion of privacy - Everyone is entitled to a private life. Editors have to justify intrusion into someone's life by their consent. It is decided what information collected will be revealed to the public domain. People are not allowed to take pictures/videos of someone without their consent Self harm and suicide - Should not go into full detail of method used but enough to allow for legal proceedings Racism - The press must avoid containing a bias based on anyways sex, race, ethnicity, colour, sexual orientation, religion etc and must be avoided to be used unless relevant to the story Crime - People cannot be identified without their consent. Particularly with children or people under 18 who are somewhat involved in the crime even through witness, yet still allow for legal procedures  Reporting on children - All pupils should be able to have education with u...

Boris Johnson Daily Mirror double page spread party gate 9/12/2005

  lexis of headline - Shame has connotations of bad and implies that he should feel guilty of what he has done. Layout is busy and crammed with information and pictures, limiting white space on the page. It contains the colour blue to present cold, death, misery and blends in with the hospital setup MISE-EN-SCENE of Boris Johnsons smirk and sipping in a champagne glass symbolises villain codes and combination of media language helps confirm the ideology of the newspaper. Champagne glass also presents celebration and distinguishes him from the everyday and common people as he represents the upper class and wealthy instead of working class who the newspaper is aimed at  Caption beneath Johnson of 'RULE BREAKER took us for fools' backs up ideology of the narrative of Johnson is an evil man The champagne glass and Johnson picture contrasts with the hospital setting as less stressful and easier life for doing nothing compared to actual key workers. Johnson is also not wearing a mas...

Political ideology

 TASK 1 Right wing: Right wing ideology is the view of which view social orders and hierarchy are natural and inevitable, almost as if they are a common way of life. Positions that right win represent are Anti-communism, economics, nationalism, natural law and traditionalism, populism, religion and social class Left wing: Left wing is a political ideology that seeks to achieve and support social equality and provide a contrasts with social hierarchy. Traditionally involve a concern for those who are disadvantaged in society. Positions left wing politics has are economics, environment, nationalism, religion and social progressiveness TASK 2 Action 1: Techniques which are used the use of language to make a pun by the phrase Cor-Bin. This is in bold white font which helps catch the eye of the reader with a bold statement with a clear and obvious message written in it. The imagine included on the page, spams the full page and has a clear ideology of the labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. The...