Boris Johnson Daily Mirror double page spread party gate 9/12/2005


lexis of headline - Shame has connotations of bad and implies that he should feel guilty of what he has done.

Layout is busy and crammed with information and pictures, limiting white space on the page. It contains the colour blue to present cold, death, misery and blends in with the hospital setup

MISE-EN-SCENE of Boris Johnsons smirk and sipping in a champagne glass symbolises villain codes and combination of media language helps confirm the ideology of the newspaper. Champagne glass also presents celebration and distinguishes him from the everyday and common people as he represents the upper class and wealthy instead of working class who the newspaper is aimed at 

Caption beneath Johnson of 'RULE BREAKER took us for fools' backs up ideology of the narrative of Johnson is an evil man

The champagne glass and Johnson picture contrasts with the hospital setting as less stressful and easier life for doing nothing compared to actual key workers. Johnson is also not wearing a mask, let alone a surgical mask compared to the hospital worker.

The chaotic and frantic nature of the hospital scene positions the reader up close and personal mode of address. This contrasts to the Johnson picture which shows him evil smirking in the relative direction of the hospital. Bias through selection of the picture of Johnson due to him looking evil and unflattering holding a champagne flute which suggests a extremely negative interpretation of the former PM and is the bad guy in the narrative. Constructing him almost as a bond villain, the producer is making intertextual reference to James bond films villain, by referencing a difference text

Keir Starmer looks very direct, formal, serious, leaning for support, friendly and also relaxed which compares to Johnson with the background colour being red to represent labour colours which represents the political ideology of the newspaper company. The serif and italics resembles hand written letter and relatable mode of address to left wing labour voters and working class people. He doesn't include his knighthood so he can relate more to the working class and make the working class more comfortable with him. He doesn't wear a tie to make him appear more casual and laid back nature.

Use of definite language constructs mode of address which is very precise for target audience to impact their knowledge. Use of language is appropriate to audience with little to no education. Keir Starmer is flattering the audience by implying working class people have intelligence. Uses emotive language (sacrifice) and constructs sense of unity and togetherness.

STAIN ON OUR NATION - lexis of charlatan is a very traditional British word and has connotations of being upper class and well spoken words. Making the opinion seem very reliable and smart to the reader and shows it has a correct opinion. Patriotic mode of address is constructed through lexis of our great nation that positions the working class target audience as proud to be British and that Boris Johnson stains that proud Britain. other words are 'wreckless liar, cheap and nasty'. Insulting mode of address which is only possible due to being an editiorial


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