Component 1 revision



  • Female - 18-40 year old based on how wide the images are. At the time woman shopping and looking for products. White women due to not much diversity in society - lack of other ethnicities
  • Target audience predominantly American 
  • Choice of characters female aged 18-40 looking beautiful - aspirations to be perfect mothers/housewives. Use words woman very often - clear aiming. Direct like YOU, makes product more attracted to product. Images used appeals and uses intertextual references such as war. Dress codes reflect fashion of 1950s. Cartoon strip help marital state of the target audience - heterosexual relationships with children. Washing machine targets woman and people got more income to be able to buy washing machines - people who aspired to have latest tech.
  • Good housekeeping - magazine - intertextual references opinion leader and respected by woman and the seal of approval helps encourage woman to use the product. 
  • Positive language to make tide seem brilliant - miracle, encourages audiences to take the preferred reading
  • Negotiated way to the advert - woman who were developing feminist ideas - sexist/old-fashioned - simplified lives. Modern = oppositional way
  • Gerbner and cultivation theory - women exposed to the advert, enjoying housework
  • Repeated adverts and media language to repeat ideologies
  • Bright colours entertain and appealing to audiences - information about products 


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