Attitude and media language

 Attitude webzine

This is a gay lifestyle site and a companion to the magazine of the same name. You will need to compare this to Zoella, with particular emphasis on appealing to a specialised audience. 

Zoella = Mainstream

Attitude = Niche

As with Zoella expected to analyse following

-Links to other content (audio-visual material - YouTube)

Interactive links, including social and participatory media

The design of the home page


Industry context and target audience

Media language on the website 

Main point of websites is they can be deconstructed like any other media form - the basic principles of print media (magazines and newspapers) apply in that a fundamental audience appeal is constructed from layout and design with the key fact that websites have their own conventions

The tabloid is the closest of traditional media that compares with the look and design of a website including a:

Simplistic and minimalistic layout - boxes, vertical columns no more than 60 characters wide and subheadings

High ratio of photography to text

Restricted language code

Inclusive familiar mode of address

Evidence of synergy and convergence 

Designed for scan reading and all about individual relevance

Attitude deconstruction

Pretty much all the written content on the magazine, is met with a picture above it to add meaning and a visual aid to help people to be more interested in the magazine if they see someone in the picture who they recognise or is a famous celebrity

Lack of a first paragraph to summarise the story, means readers have to read on to find out what above. 

Dead space is not common as adverts are filled all around with content or quizzes 


Less colour Boold makes it in your face - Tabloid style (traditionally aimed at working class)


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