The returned research

 Originally made in France, which is why it is called 'Les Revenants'

  • 26 November 2012 on Canal+

  • United Kingdom 9 June 2013 on Channel 4

  • 2 series, 8 episodes each

  • Based on the French film They Came Back (Les Revenants, dir. Robin Campillo 2004)

  • Created by Fabrice Gobert

Presented as a horror through the effects included and the storyline - Dead people coming back, murderer being returned. The effect of the town going from lightness to darkness.
Can appeal to a drama target audience through the quotes included from reviews saying 'the best drama of the year' from the Sunday times.

Mogwai are a rock band which follow an indie genre which will link with The Returned's genre and come from Glasgow, they make lyric free music and use music to create an effect. Often referred too as dull or creepy due to the lack of lyrics to make a song enjoyable for people so easier to have an effect. As its one single band means the producers don't have to spend a lot purchasing legal rights of the song for a film.

On canal+ which is a French terrestrial Television site. This was before it spread to the UK and US on more4 and Sundance TV. The budget was around 1.19million per episode Canal+ is funded by the company Groupe Canal+ which is owned by Vivinde.

The episodes may of been struggled to be regulated in the UK due to Ofcom restrictions such as views on sex/violence and swearing. As shown in the first episode Lena is seen having underage sex with her boyfriend - which in the UK would be considered public ally wrong as not common on television shows. Scenes of violence could harm target audiences.


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