Media KA4 revision

 Super human Advert Analysis

Fast paced shots - Show the amount of things that Paralympians have to go through

Song Choice - Contrasts from the message of the video as the athletes refuse to quit 

Use of sounds for effect (drum, screaming, pushing, alarm) shows the challenges

Repetition of the footage of the athletes training alone (shows the isolation that Paralympians and people with disabilities suffer with. The scene from the café shows how in some situations and places disabled people aren't accepted or given the same values or privileges as people without difficult. Shows the sacrifices that are made in the scene of the cyclist only being able to face time on a child's birthday instead of spending that time with them due to training. 

The dark lighting in most scenes show how dark the process and mentally being a Paralympian is and how draining it can be. It shows someone waking up from a dream. Showing how far the dream potentially can be from reality. 

In the scene of the swimmer with the weight of the medal, represents how much the weight of success can impact the Paralympian and how much pressure there is. 

Footage of a doctor saying the person should quit is a scene that most Paralympians may be familiar too due to the ruthlessness of doctors following a reaction of a serious injury.


The times - Right wing conservative backer who represented an unbiased narrative towards the Boris Johnson party gate instead of displaying their views in order to influence readers. They did however influence them by making it seem as a normal thing and not anything important, so people don't understand the seriousness of it, and the image they used is not direct address at the audience, which could suggest he is not guilty of anything, and the facial expression he is using presents he is sorry or sympathetic for what he did making people think he should be let off lightly. 


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