KA3 knowledge audit

Section A Part I: Woman and Media Language

1. What is the masthead of Woman?

Seven Star Improvements for your kitchen

2. What is the main feature as highlighted on the cover page?

Alfred Hitchcock - British Women have a special magic 

3. Can you identify how anchorage is created in any of the feature articles?

It refers to A-level beauty with images of women wearing things such as lipstick or other forms of makeup as thats the stereotype to make them look beautiful 

4. Can you identify any typography used in any of the articles/cover page?

The cover page uses mostly san-serif font as the typography is mostly block style writing instead of fancy, which can be found on areas of page 3

5. Can you identify and explain any key features of the advertisements?

The advertisements included in the magazine refer to stereotypes of the time, such as a lot of heavy advertsising on makeup and fashion in order to make women look good and kitchens and kitchen accessories which was their main role in the time period or their main task that was expected of them. 

Section A Part II: Adbusters and Media Language

1. How do you know that Adbusters is a magazine and not a journal? Identify three features.

One reason it is a magazine and not a journal is because it is less formal. This is due to the choice of images are chosen in order to make a mockery of the story or idea that's being showed, which is less formal than a journal with more factual based ideas and demonstrations. A second reason a magazine is not a journal, and linking with the first point is that magazines are written by journalists or editors instead of subject experts like journals. This means the language used is more formal in journals to show the facts compared to magazines. Another reason why Adbusters is a magazine and not a journal is due to the level of images included in it. This is due to the fact journals contain a larger amount of diagrams which compares to Adbusters which follows the more picture route. 

2. Find one main image from any of the Adbusters features. Explain how that image helps readers to understand the ideology of Adbusters.

This picture shows the ideology of Adbusters as it is throwing shade on the 350ppm metre of how much carbon dioxide is safe in the atmosphere, and how its realistically not going to be met due to human activity. This ideology shows how the targets set out arent realistic. They give the ideology about how action needs to be taken to achieve climate change. 

3. Can you identify any headlines from any of the feature articles?

SAVE THE PLANET KILL YOURSELF - clear ideology of the way Adbusters feels about the damage to the world which has followed due to climate change activity and how people will die like the dinosaurs tries to scare people in order for them to take action. 

4. Pick out an interesting paragraph. How is it written?

This article is written in a way that both descibes the life in other locations of the world in order to make people reading the page to try and imagine what other people are going through. This is acting as an influence to try and influence peoples opinion to show that even though something may not be affecting them, it may already be affecting other people. 

5. How does Adbusters pastiche fashion magazine advertising?

Adbusters use products such as ZUCCHETI who advertise taps and SOULOUTIN who make shoes to make a mockery of their services, who charge really high charges for the products when people in less fortunate backgrounds are lucky to even have access to water or shoes in the first place and make do with what they have in life. 

Theories: Structuralism/Binary oppositions (Levi-Strauss)

How do each magazines establish binary oppositions within the texts?

Binary Opposites in Woman are created through the clear divide between women and men, this meaning how men treat and view women and their roles, being exaggerated by the contents of makeup and kichen appliances. The wording of men know what women want shows the opposites. The binary opposites in Adbusters are rich and poor which is clear by the features of water and shoes which show the contrats of how the different types of people live their lives

For example: Woman magazine may establish a sense of an ideal housewife versus something else. How is this done? Adbusters may establish a binary opposition of capitalism versus anti-capitalism. Or the West versus the East. How?


1. How are representations of gender constructed throughout the magazine? Find as many examples as possible!

2. What ideologies are represented in the magazine? How are they constructed? Find as many examples as possible!

3. How are the readers positioned to accept particular representations?

Section B: Adbusters Media Representations USE MEDIA LANGUAGE TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS

1. How are representations of ethnicity constructed throughout the magazine? Find as many examples as possible!

2. What ideologies are represented in the magazine? How are they constructed? Find as many examples as possible!

3. How are the readers positioned to accept particular representations?

Theories: Feminism (bell hooks and van Zoonan) Postcolonialism (Paul Gilroy) Representation (Stuart Hall)

Please add an appropriate theoretical analysis for any of the above answers. What would these theorists say about that part of the magazine?

Section B: Woman magazine Media Industries

1. Who owned Woman magazine?

2. At the height of its success, what is its readership and circulation figures?

3. How did it make money? Who took the profits?

4. What is the impact of its ownership model on the print product you have studied?

5. How might the context of its production (1960s) have impacted the magazine you have studied?

Section B: Adbusters magazine Media Industries

1. What is the ownership model of Adbusters?

2. What is its circulation?

3. Is it regulated?

4. What is the impact of its ownership model on the magazine you have studied?

5. How might the context of its production (now- think about technology!) have impacted the magazine you have studied?

Theories: include these in your above answers! (Curran & Seaton, Livingstone & Lunt, Hesmondhalgh)

Section C: Woman magazine Media Audiences

1. Who was Woman magazines target audience?

2. How successfully has the magazine been at targeting its audience?

3. Does the magazine at construct its audience? If so, how?

Section C:

1. Who is Adbusters target audience?

2. How successfully has the magazine been at targeting its audience?

3. Does the magazine at construct its audience? If so, how?

Theories: Gerbner and Stuart Hall. Can you include these theories in your answers?


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