23/2/23 Work


  • No real formal organisation or theme of the magazine
  • Lack of typography on the pages or if there is then its like one page
  • No flow as one page with a picture will be completely different to the other
  • Varies from one page with a lot of colours to another page with little to no variety of colours
  • Theme of political views in the magazine
  • Uses loads of different languages - Variety and different target audiences
  • It follows other magazines to having a masthead 
  • Lot of ideology of campaigning, whether that's political or over environment/rights
  • No branded advertisements which goes against the title
  • Follows magazine by being very visual and includes the some articles and a contents page
  • In comparison to other magazines, there is very little copy and a lot of gaps where white space is not utilised

Mona Lisa with goatee

This product works as it makes a mockery of the image and provides humour. Also through the way it conflicts with the original painting as it changes the message and makes it male instead of feminine and changes it from beautiful to not due to it being changed into being a male in the image. Perspective of femininity is something that's profited from whereas things with a man isn't. Shows how something famous can easily be changed or made to be something it isn't as mocks middle class interest being art. Mockery of middle class. Requires knowledge of what the Mona Lisa is. Purpose of the image is to make a mockery of capitalism

Key Word:
Detournement - Appropriation of images or ideas and changing their intended meaning in a way that challenges the dominant culture or ideology. (culture jamming) - Used by many anti-consumerists social movements to disrupt or subvert media culture and mainstream cultural institutions, including corporate advertising. Attempts to influence progressive change
A form of subverting and jams many cultures to expose questionable political views and assumptions behind commercial culture. Tactics include re-figuring logos, fashion statements, and product images to challenge 'what's cool'. Mass media to produce ironic commentary about itself, commonly using the original mediums communication method
Cultural jamming is a reaction against social conformity. Focuses on subverting or critiquing political and advertising messages, some proponents focus on more positive form which brings together artists, scholars and activists to create new types of cultural production that transcend rather than merely criticize that status quo

The genres on the magazine front covers are American politics, fashion, strength and some social things such as eating

key facts:
Published 6x a year by Adbusters Media foundation 1989 - present
Set edition - May/June 2016
Price - £10.99
Circulation - 120,000 readership (website Apr 2017)
Website - https://www.adbusters.org
Genre - Independent/campaigning/culture jamming/political
Strapline - Journey of the mental environment. Based in Vancouver Canada

The media language communicates messages and values through the use of typography which sends a message talking about the west of the world, with an image of an aggressive looking individual celebrating. This gives the impression that the ideology of the magazine is in support of the west and that they have been in some politically spired conflict with another country. It could also show western countries are superior in conflict. The mise-en-scene of the person on the front cover is that political conflict is anger driven which is also driven by the American politics which overshadow. The cover line could give a demonstration as to how an area or situation looks, after the influence of the western countries such as the superpower empire of the United States. The ideology of the front cover picture is that eastern European countries either are or have been made to be aggressive or violent locations. This fits one of the genres of the magazine of politics and political events. They use a picture that stereotypes the people from eastern Europeans have a darker skin colour and include a beard and fight in conflict. They have their own unique representation of gender, sexuality, class status, political, historically and ethnicity which are all portrayed in the magazine to some degree. The use of the word west signifies it is a political message. The mid shot allows the audience to have a view of the army uniform on the person

Louboutin shoes
Really expensive men and women brand with prices ranging from 500-1,000 pounds
Majority of stores are located in America 
An italian company but first store was in France
Founded in 1991

The media language of the adverts communicate meaning due to the use of stereotypes and the contrast on the advert on the left by the caption at the bottom of the advert saying red is always in fashion and the picture showing an individual using a bottle as shoes, which makes a mockery of the company and middle to upper class of spending ludicrous amounts of money on things that are not necessary


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