07.02.2023 Work


Semiotics - Barthes

Through the magazine, it presents that a woman is supposed to be focused and show a strong interest in make-up and the level of beauty on the face. It includes different areas of the face for a woman to focus on and improve on. It gives like tips and techniques as to how the women is expected to be and achieve the looks of the women in the pictures to advertise the products. It has a target audience of women in general, not just one type as it address women who are blond or possess thick eye lashes. The term used of A - level provide the motivation and the expectation of women to try and achieve the top quality beauty that is apparently expected of them through the amount of detail. The headline of 'Are you an A - level beauty?' will ultimately make a reader question themselves which will encourage them to do what the magazine content say in order to become what the headline is asking. This is done as it is almost seen as expected that women do all the things that are included in the magazine. 

Identity theories - Gauntlett

The female identity from this past, historical media text is that women were expected to look good all the time in case they draw the attention of a man. They are expected to be always prepared and look good on a 'moments notice' of a man. The A level pages also show how to apply the makeup, and the Crème Puff pages show the reasons of the time for women to wear makeup, to present themselves for the occasion a man has an interest in them. The man in the advert looks like a well dressed and formal man, which fits the time and he is made happy by the view of a woman smiling brightly whilst doing makeup to make herself look presentable. This representation will present the idea to female readers that they have to act and present themselves in this way, then they will both draw the attention of men and make them happy too.

The identity of women is that they should be obsessed with makeup and fashion, in order to look good for men, however there is also a page which is required for the use of teaching women about men and how they act and things like that. This is to give women a guide of knowledge as to understand why there men will act in a certain way or why they will do or talk about certain things. They offer a slight clash with what women were expected to behave at the time. This includes the fact that women weren't really supposed to care about what men do or talk about, which contrast to the page in the newspaper, however the ideology of them caring about makeup and fashion and the expectation and eagerness to present themselves good remains the same. 


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