Daily Mirror and The Times Partygate Newspaper analysis

 Daily Mirror Newspaper Analysis

The point of view and ideology - The ideology of the title cover is that Boris takes 0 shame and responsibility for his actions and pretty much accuses him of knowing about the parties as he attended some of them and one was in his own flat.

Codes/Conventions - Figueres shown in different colour to stand out and the word Zero in a different colour to emphasise the points in the title cover

Layout is the have the text covering 1/3 of the page and the rest have a picture of the PM to show the clear link between both the headline and the PM involved in it. Z line as people read from left to right so that's why text is placed on the left. It also has a section of the text on the front cover to give people an idea of the article which they can read

Composition - Text is placed under the main headline but above ZERO SHAME to draw attention to the ZERO SHAME. This will overall influence the reader more as it emphasises a point

Images - The picture of Boris is a mid shot as you can see down to his waist. The picture has been used to draw attention to him and make him look like he has no shame and build up hate against him

FONT - large font. ZERO SHAME is in bold to stand out. Its also in san serif and block to stand out. The type of font is very formal 

Language - very much accusation and putting shade on the PM and making a mockery of him showing 0 shame for the events he clearly knew about

Boris Johnson represents the middle aged, white, upper-class politician

The daily mirror is clearly left wing and has a clear negative connotation towards the former PM as presented in the terminology through words shame

The ideology of the times is very much playing down the events reported. This is due to a very laid back and none accusing headline of the article and a few other articles included on the front cover which has been used to draw the attention away from the main story. They have a more factual and neutral account of the events instead of voicing their individual opinion which will ultimately present Boris better compared to pointing the finger.

The picture used is a close up of Boris and it kind of is used to represent he knows that he has messed up but looks sincere about it so should be given the benefit of the doubt from the general public. This tries to grow sympathy for him. 

The headline make it seem like a normal and no big deal thing as the police investigate a lot, so it gives the impression it's just a normal thing that they are investigating and nothing special


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