Component 1, Advertising and Media Language Rolex watch advert

 This media advert presents the ideology of Rolex being high quality and luxurious brand, selling the lifestyle for upper class, and celebrity endorsement allows for more people to be attracted to the product. It sends the meaning due to the slogan saying a Rolex is a crown for every achievement, which gives the idea it is for successful people and a must have for people when they achieve something. 

There is very little information or selling points regarding the watch, but mostly information on Roger Federer in the advert, and makes it a key detail that a famous and highly successful athlete is the brand model for the product. The attention is drawn away from the product by some extent having the model as the main focus on the page, however there is an enlarged image of the watch, and it is shown in front of the model which gives the idea that the watch is still the main point of the advert.

The stereotype of the advert is that watches of luxurious/gold style are traditionally worn by successful men and not normally women. This shows that the target audience of the product will be males and the outfit choice of the model suggest a person in business who will be able to afford the product. The binary opposites for this advert could be for fit and wealthy vs poor and with illnesses as the model is a fit and healthy professional athlete and one of the world's best


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