
Showing posts from March, 2024

Zoella videos comments

 Some of the comments such as hair and fashion reinforce the stereotype of looking good and fashionable, which is commonly associated with woman and trying to influence people to look a certain way. The fashion is also influencing what people should buy.  This gives a sense of fandom as there is a community of people with a similar love and feel for Zoella's video with similar reactions. This gives the impression the target audience is appealed to the content that Zoella posts and that it influences them in everyday life. This helps build a sense of repeat audience and loyal watchers to her videos which helps build her influence, range and reputation One thing that is obvious to see is the amount of positivity for Zoella from  the videos and lack of criticism, showing her videos have a positive effect

Zoella website

 Conventions of a website Multimodal - defined by Theo Van Leeuwen (2005) as the combination of different semiotics modes. Websites are multimodal as they use a combination of images, sounds and writing Hyperlinks - specific to online media. Navigates you to somewhere else with a click (who decides where and why). Lemake (2002) uses the term hypermodality to describe the design multiple interconnections Above the fold - immediately visible without scrolling. Can vary between screen sizes  Logo - important part of visual branding and creates continuities of iconography between pages or across platforms Main navigation - menu bar (indication of what is important to the website) Carousel or slider - presented sequentially but user can navigate between slides Footer - contact details 'About Us', copyright notice Search box - at the top, allows users to look for particular topics Social media icons - links to facebook, twitter or Youtube Banner ads - advertising that are embedded a...

15.4.24 Zoella Notes

 Representation Gender - fashion and beauty commonly found in vlogs and blogs aimed at teen and pre teen girls could be seen to reinforce stereotypical understanding of gender and gender roles. In many ways the function that these products perform, particularly in terms of gender socialisms, is similar to the role that has traditionally been performed by girls magazines. The makeup tutorials and demos that feature prominently on YouTube channels of beauty vloggers like Zoella could be said to perform a function in reinforcing beauty standards and consumption of beauty products. Significantly these channels are often monetised through advertising and sponsorship relating to the beauty industry. Self-representation - online media forms such as vlogs and blogs enable content creators to create and distribute and representations of themselves without the need for intermediaries. This is one of the main ways they differ from traditional mass media forms. However it is important to under...